
What is #explore?

#explore means following new and unknown paths. Discovering new terrain. And enjoying the adventures along the way. #explore is a digital voyage of discovery into a universe which is changing ever more rapidly. The growth of networks of all kinds, innovative technologies and all-embracing digitisation create new worlds and turn the familiar on its head. But all this innovation also brings risks and dangers: #explore creates a secure pathway through the networked world.

What does #explore do?

#explore writes about Industry 4.0, cyber security, vehicles of the future and security on the internet – with fascinating interviews, lively articles and interesting background reports. #explore explains the latest ideas and developments. #explore reacts fast to all the latest hot themes. #explore focuses on people who provide inspiration and dare to do something new: researchers, IT experts, entrepreneurs and visionaries. #explore makes you want to discover the networked world.

Who is behind #explore?

#explore is the TÜV NORD GROUP online magazine, which was launched in 2016. It appears in German and English. The content is created by an external editorial team from StudioZX in close cooperation with the TÜV NORD GROUP.

How can I access #explore?


Want to submit ideas or suggestions? Give praise or criticism? #explore loves to hear from you at:


Your contacts at TÜV NORD GROUP for cooperations and competitions is Julia Mandrión.


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